History of Global Agriculture

A brief history of Global Agriculture

1750 - Start of the Industrial Revolution

Invention of the Steam Engine

Thomas Savery invents the first steam engine

1750 - 1900 : Farm machinery starting to replace animals

1910 - Broadacre farming

1920 - Chemical based farming

1930 - Monocultures

1940 - Seed hybridisation

1950 - Mechanisation / Factory farming

1960 - Supermarkets / Green revolution, Farm debt

1970 - Globalisation in food production / Trade agreements

1980 - Corporatisation of global food chain

1990 - Genetic modification of seed crops

2000 - Patenting of food crops

2010 - Upholding of patent law by courts

2020 and beyond?

Prior to the 1900’s, our food security needs were met by traditional farming practices which had not changed for millennia. Those practices were founded on organic principles and included methods such as crop rotations and seed saving.

Since the 1900’s, the world began moving toward industrial scale farming practices. The focus became increasingly on chemically-based agriculture, factory farming, seed manipulation, patents and the  globalisation and corporatisation of the seed and food chain. The legal system and governments also began to play significant roles in shaping the future of global agriculture.

Perhaps it could be argued that there is no other human endeavour that has undergone such rapid and profound changes as global agriculture has over the last 100 years.

Since that first seed of wheat was collected and saved in Egypt thousands of years ago, subsequently introducing agriculture to the world to us as we know it today, humanity has essentially not changed its model for food security and food production.